Sunday, 5 March 2017


A quiet and systematic torture
through an assortment of digitized
life vignettes called your Instagram
in which I find your uncondensed 
beauty which reminds me, in every
image, why I hate myself, or if I don't,
why I should

I am foolish and my ancestors are slaves.
I am often not proud of my blackness.
I imagine your boyfriends will speak
French and smoke cigs and will be
worldy. I will be none of those things.
Just me. Unwholesome and dark
and colonized in the mind to think
such things, Achebe didn't quite
reach me at the very end of it all. 

Diapsora children know not what to do with their dark, dark skin.
it rages
discontentedly with itself: the selves
that correspond to its surroundings: the dreams
they wished to knew. Many first-world citizens
would never dream of their basic pleasures. But
what wonder is it to be lost to the depths of the world's
without waiting for the waves to buffer before they
you. Modern internet makes it even easier than airlines
to be lost
in places you don't know.

you all know each other
in ways I cannot imagine.
my friendship with the darkness
is brief and meaningless. maybe
I shall fashion a poem or two out
of them. But for you all, you need
not even speak with one another
and there is an acknowledgement
of some shadow that lingers beneath
your very own. I stare at mine for a
moment and think about how
I cannot jump into it. You have fallen
many times and often wonder
if you will ever step out. These
are things my eyes cannot say
but theirs can and will and must.
this summer 
we experimented on the lsd of personhood
and were shocked 
when it led us together 
without a single instance of touching

My friend Joseph took the pictures yo. In case you're wondering about the font, I save all my draft work in notepad files and they tend to show up in some form of Courier bro. The same friend also borrowed me a typewriter yo. I'm pretentious bro. I also apologize for the spacing issues. I can't quite figure out what's going on without going through the html code of Blogger, and I'm not about to that. I remain too stubborn to switch to the superior Wordpress or Tumblr. 

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