Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Him, Looking At Her


She is subtle.
A face hidden behind an iPad;
Only silent eyes are left-

they speak:

-my world is here.
i choose here, i hide here,
i like here.
see it shines?

-my world is here.
pictures picture pictures
the river my news feed;
a status a raindrop;

-my world is here.
and we are the cloud:
condensing, condensing, collapsing
relaxing, relaxing, relapsing

-my world is here.
so send me a message  here
don’t look at me…they're watching
     send me a message


-my world is here.
i choose here, i like here,
i hide here.
so why…
 ...why do i keep looking at you?



  1. Two completely different people living in different worlds. Will they be brave enough not to be afraid of the world around them and will they come out in the open and share with us their innermost desires. Will they cross the frontiers of the little worlds they have fashioned for themselves?
    I find myself thinking...

    1. hahah Geofrey, your comments are always appreciated. I love this one, it's very thoughtful and true to the spirit of the poe,. Congrats. You got it!

  2. An epic story of two young people finding themselves in two seperate worlds. Either this is during those time of "Big Brother" in one of George Orwell's books or times of censorship during Herr Hitlers dictatorship when people could not associate with whoever they wished. I would have liked to see how the story ended, beyond the webpages!

    1. well, that's an interesting perspective I never thought of. though I did mention the word "iPad" in the poem so I really only thought modern times. But still, I like the different way of thinking. Awesome!


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