Monkgogi Buzwani and Tawanda W.T Mulalu felt quite terse as they realized the impending danger of the situation. They could actually not make it. They could feel the unease echo inside their swallowing throats as they looked at the disappointment in Mr.Wale and Justice's faces. They were bored, and worse: they were telling Monkgogi and Tawanda that they are bored. They had to up their games, apparently the selections outside of Gaborone were beyond rough. People were impassioned with that fiery spirit of debate... and people cried even.
Monkgogi understandably was a chilled debater, it was not in his fashion to be "impassioned with that fiery spirit of debate" nor was he going to pull up a smile unless it was mockingly directed to his failing opposing team. Tawanda meanwhile was a crowd-pleaser. He needed a large audience to generate loud waves of endless applause and laughter. He was reminded of Barrack Obama's performance in the Presidential Debates. At least he won the election, well barely.
Monkgogi understandably was a chilled debater, it was not in his fashion to be "impassioned with that fiery spirit of debate" nor was he going to pull up a smile unless it was mockingly directed to his failing opposing team. Tawanda meanwhile was a crowd-pleaser. He needed a large audience to generate loud waves of endless applause and laughter. He was reminded of Barrack Obama's performance in the Presidential Debates. At least he won the election, well barely.
"I am the greatest debater." These are the words Tawanda would constantly repeat to himself to give him that confidence. It were the words that he shouted to the night before his fated journey to Radisele, were he would, incidentally get the honour of being the first debater overall. The words echoed throughout his mind, his throat was dry with the rust of long term emptiness. He needed the river in esophagus to flow with the golden words that could claim him victory. At the very least, he needed to say something extraordinarily smart quickly. Monkgogi meanwhile, decided that he needed to be louder.
Alrightie, let's get this thing going. It was an empty University of Botswana lecture hall that needed to be filled with the vigorous streams of arguments. And now, came the time for refuttal.
This time Justice and Mr.Wale could interject as they pleased, they could embarrass you horribly, or could be the catalyst that finally sparks the much needed epiphany required for victory.
The catalysts were feint... but you could her the rudimentary workings of a lightbulbs in the room. The light switch just needed to come...
Finally, the Public Speaking section that Tawanda knew he needed to redeem himself. And he got the perfect topic.
What was his principal concern for the future?
Global warming? Emminent financial disaster?
All of these things were too big for Tawanda... he knew what he cared about.
He cared about Physics....
"Ladies and Gentlemen, watching Dexter's Laboratory as a child, and listening to Dexter waking up in the morning and shouting out to the world: "Ahhh, what a fine day for Science!", this is the motto through which I wish to carry throughout my life. You see, I believe in the fundamentals, and Physics being the most fundamental of all the known sciences"
Tawanda W.T Mulalu had finally found his moment.
Here comes the impassioned delivery!
haha.. That was a perfect summation of our dreadful deliveries